Friday, January 13, 2017

Once I had a home in the desert

Once I had a home in the desert,
Overlooking echoing, hollow canyons,
Under vast, merciless blazing skies,
Stunted, flattened, shadows lain.

Once when I called the desert home,
I trailed trails faintly sketched,
To tops of sheer canyons falls,
There I threw my name to the winds.

Swirling sands danced every spring,
Alongside my polished windows,
Trickling in, then settle, in small pools
 Of golden nuggets, on my floors.

A garden, I planted in front of my house,
Tiny specks of green I tended to, infusing life,
But the desert loomed, surrounding me day and night,
Howling winds rattled my walls in the dark.

An oasis, a shelter from the elements,
Once I tried to build a home in the desert,

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