Thursday, January 12, 2017

The next thing always belongs

Now that I have aged,
And the noise around me subsides,
I look around, perplexed
Old habits leak through the cracks,
Create disturbances in the seamless shield.
Maps of discovery, I once labored upon,
Are coiled, ends ripped, forgotten.
What is waiting at the end of
The road yet undiscovered
Is it false all the same
In reality was I always alone.

Those who could tell me
No longer alive,
Maybe a way of survival,
Wrapped neatly in a dream,
Breathing- in the right to exist,
Standing up for my place in the universe
Yet robbed of my roots,
Denied any relations to a past,
To which I will always belong.
Hymn to the muse still guiding my hand,
To serve the music in my mind.

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